Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ethical Perspectives Essay - 1271 Words

Ethical Perspectives Introduction Ethics involves identifying, differentiating, and defending concepts of right and wrong, and what values humanity retains from ethical growth and development. The Williams Group for Ethics and Management developed an exercise, called the Ethics Awareness Inventory, which analyzes responses to a set of questions, and categorizes the results under four ethical perspectives: Character (or Virtue Ethics), Obligation (or Deontological Ethics), Results (or Utilitarianism), and Equity (or Relativism). After completion of the inventory, my ethical perspective was determined to be Obligation, or Deontological Ethics.†¦show more content†¦People have the right to their individual respect, and to make their own choices. If an individual is denied opportunities and respect, social traditions and policies aimed at the best interests of society as a whole should be set aside. These events only detract from the development of society toward an ethical ideal, and should be reconsidered to include a greater percentage of the population. Minority groups have been left out, and segregated from the majority for centuries. They lack in numbers, which, according to western ways of thinking, renders them insignificant. Minority groups are defined as a group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. (IDRA, 2007, 5). Deontological Ethics involves focusing on the obligation an individual has with relationship to these unethical considerations made by societalShow MoreRelatedA Look at Ethical Perspectives Essay example1150 Words   |  5 PagesA Look at Ethical Perspectives While it would be nice to think that it is easy to make decisions and all come to the same conclusion, this is not always the case. Unfortunately, even regarding ethical decisions where you may think a right and wrong way exist may not be easy to determine. Since everyone has different backgrounds and therefore, different perspectives, we may not agree on what the best course of action is to take in a difficult decision. 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